With our reliance on fossil fuels and consumerism, our eco systems are at the brink of collapse. This puppet workshop explores sustainability through movement, storytelling and creative play.
How can objects found around the house be brought to life? What stories do they have to tell? Engage with others in short scenes and discussions about objects that are precious and the cost of knick knacks on the planet. Have fun discovering characters, stories and scenes through the magic of animating puppets made of a crumpled paper, an old baby blanket, a discarded umbrella. Explore sustainability in a completely new creative hands on approach. Four 2 hour meetings are needed for this workshop
About the facilitator: Jean Minuchin runs The World and Eye Arts Center, which produces hands-on workshops and programming focusing on social issues through the arts. Jean has 20 + years in arts education in schools and community. She ran a middle school theater department, a training for clowns in hospitals, co-directed an intergenerational arts exchange and taught school-based arts for literacy curricula. Jean has produced exhibitions and performance festivals. As a performance artist, Jean uses her degrees in arts and theater to cultivate a hybrid form of visual theater. Recent plays written, performed and toured by Jean include “Beneath the Hood” a solo mask play exploring the role of outcasts in a fictional community and “Odyssey in the Land of Shadows” a puppet play about the nature of grief and healing. She has performed at two NYU Forums, WaxWorks in Brooklyn, NY, at the National Puppetry Fringe Festival 2013 and at THE NERVE performance art festival in Fort Lauderdale. Jean’s solo performance, “Still Life of an Orange and Other Puppet Parables” appeared in the Hollywood Fringe Festival in California. www.jeanminuchin.com