(Click on the World and Eye Logo to find out about workshops) Our programming includes a variety of tailor-made workshops for individual organizations that use creativity to meet the needs of the community. If you are connected to a hospital, community center, school, senior center that would be interested in offering arts-based workshops, let us know. [email protected]
June 15, 2024
World and Eye and Manos Unidas Multicultural Educational Cooperative
In collaboration with Broward Libraries and partially funded with grants from the Broward Cultural Division
WOMEN CROSSING THE LINE PERFORMANCE FESTIVAL (Click above or on the image to see more) In collaboration with Broward Libraries and partially funded with grants from the Broward Cultural Division
Telling Tales: Stories of Childhood An intergenerational arts program in collaboration with NOVA Lifelong Learning Institute and partially funded with grants from the Broward Cultural Division
Telling Tales: Stories of Home An intergenerational arts program in collaboration with NOVA Lifelong Learning Institute and partially funded with grants from the Broward Cultural Division